In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we look at the ways in which our interpretations of others and their intentions undermines our self-worth. Our guest, Cece Heart, shares her powerful strategy, which she describes as playful learning, for clarifying others’ intentions and avoiding assumptions that lead to self-doubt.
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About Our Guest
Cece is an Inspiration Activator AKA Sorceress! She conjures up a wide range of modalities to lift spirits and activate your body, mind and spirit including delicious plant-based, organic food (magic) (let food be thy medicine!). She shares her personal experience through raw, unfiltered stories as a writer (wild storyteller) and writes about everything in her life, from travel to inspirational self-help blogs. She’s an energetic intuitive and has a passion for the health and wellness realm and pulls from effective strategies to fill your life with love and inner bliss! She also is part of a very dynamic environmental tech company that’s motivating users to save the planet as a Wellness Adviser and Partnerships Coordinator AKA Community Catalyzer!
Links: FB: IG: @plantpoweredgypsy (inspo) or @inspirationsorceress (health/wellness/recipes etc) Twitter: @lovesorceress Website:
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