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Career Advancement & Leadership Speaker


Let’s get real about what makes it hard to be human at work. 

You know that you need to get diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging right in order to stay competitive. But you need a speaker who will leave your audience inspired and prepared to turn that inspiration into action.


I've been grateful to speak to the people behind some of the most innovative companies, sharing engaging stories about why it's hard to be human at work and what we can do about it.


Don’t expect any academic, fact-spewing slide decks. These are relatable stories, authentic conversations, and simple, actionable steps that people can take immediately to show up more fully, shift workplace cultures, and get the best out of themselves and those around them.

maximizing your seat at the table progress employee speaker

Check out my TEDx talk, How to Bring Your Diverse Voice to the Workplace.

Recent Audiences
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Signature Talk Topics

Feel Like a Fraud? Conquer impostor syndrome to Achieve Your Goals

Impostor syndrome may be holding you back from new levels of success and joy in your work. Learn to recognize impostor syndrome and its impact on high-achieving professionals, and walk away with actionable strategies for overcoming self-doubt.

Maximize Your Seat at the Table

Some of us struggle to get to the proverbial table. Others struggle to be heard once they are there. This talk is about understanding how to get your seat, keep your seat, achieve greater influence, and make your voice heard.

Navigating Difficult Conversations with Confidence

No one likes to have hard conversations, but ignoring challenging issues won't make them disappear. In this talk, we'll get honest about what's hard, identify the common sources of workplace conflict, and add strategies to your toolkit to help you navigate these conversations confidently.

Build Your Influence without Authority

In many work environments, you need support, engagement, and buy-in from colleagues you don't manage. Learn how to influence colleagues effectively through relationship-building, self-awareness, and communication.

Defining Success on Your Own Terms

Is your success defined from within or based on external pressures and expectations? Through this talk, you'll understand what success really means for you, explore how others influence your success mindset, and develop strategies to define success based on what is most important to you.

Using Self-Promotion Strategies to Advance Your Career

It’s time to stop letting your accomplishments go unnoticed. Get ready to explore how to raise your visibility, expand your impact, and advance your career through authentic self-promotion.

Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Likability and Respect

Empathy, humility, and vulnerability are traits of successful leaders. But how can you balance these softer traits with assertive leadership? Identify steps to navigate this tightrope with success in everyday work scenarios.

Be a Better Ally

What does it actually mean to be an ally? Many well-intentioned professionals would like to be allies but fear overstepping or misreading situational cues. Prepare to debunk some myths, explore common challenges, and leave with strategies to show up in service of others.

Leading Yourself and Others through Change

Change is uncomfortable and unavoidable, but how you respond can turn it into a chance to build trust with your team and advance your career. Discover William Bridges' transition curve, learn about the human response to change, and walk away with strategies that empower you to embrace and manage it.

Giving & Receiving Feedback with Confidence

Feedback conversations are too often uncomfortable for the giver and receiver, but they don’t have to be. With clear communication, confidence and an understanding of the real purpose of feedback, we can all become better at feedback conversations, whether we’re on the giving or receiving end. In this interactive session, we will: define feedback and its importance, address common challenges that undermine feedback conversations or prevent them from happening and develop actionable strategies to help you more confidently navigate feedback conversations.

What Audiences are Saying
“I really wish I could have gotten all of this advice 20 years ago, but it is still highly relevant today.”
Kim Meninger

Coach, TEDx speaker, and podcast host committed to making it easier to be human at work.


Groton, MA



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