Welcome to another episode of The Impostor Syndrome Files! In this episode, we explore the ways in which impostor syndrome undermines our presence on LinkedIn. Today’s guest, Daniel Alfon, is a LinkedIn specialist who shares tips and insights to help us overcome self-doubt and more confidently showcase our brand. We discuss the ways in which women, in particular, downplay our strengths and undervalue our accomplishments. Daniel offers strategies to help us better articulate our true value so that we can shine on LinkedIn.
About Daniel Alfon:
Daniel Alfon is the author of Build a LinkedIn Profile for Business Success. Daniel joined LinkedIn in early 2004 and publishes Articles, interviews and exclusive content about advanced LinkedIn strategies to clients and subscribers to his website.
More from Daniel Alfon:
Interviews: https://www.danielalfon.com/about/#press
Website: www.danielalfon.com
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Kim Meninger Welcome, Daniel, I am so grateful to you for reaching out to me and I’m excited for this conversation. Before we jump in, would you be willing to share a little bit more about yourself?
Daniel Alfon With pleasure, thank you very much, Kim. I’m very glad to be part of the Impostor Syndrome Files podcast. I’m Daniel, I’m married to, to Lea, my wonderful wife, and I’m based in Israel, and I am a LinkedIn specialist. Now, I look forward to our chat.
Kim Meninger And I want to start, since you mentioned being a LinkedIn specialist, I want to start by asking you what you see as the connection between LinkedIn and how we show up there and impostor syndrome?
Daniel Alfon It’s a great question, I think confidence is a muscle, something I’ve taken from one of, one of your earlier episodes. And in order to have a strong brand, we need to be visible. That’s also something I found on, on executivecareersuccess.com. And what other platform could be more professional and more powerful for professional women, for executives in general than LinkedIn And I found that many executives lack or have strong self-doubt about themselves, and it shows in the way they, the terms they use on LinkedIn, and the actions they do or don’t perform on LinkedIn.
Kim Meninger I think that’s such a, an important angle on the conversation I’ve been having with folks about impostor syndrome, because we tend to think about it in terms of how we physically show up in a particular interaction, but not necessarily how we’re conveying ourselves to this broader universe of people out there on, on LinkedIn. And I think it’s, it’s such a missed opportunity.
Daniel Alfon It is, most, most clients and most managers will look you up on LinkedIn, even if they just Google your name, then LinkedIn will be one of the very top results. And our very simple message to anyone listening would be don’t let LinkedIn call the shots, you as an executive have to call the shots, and it’s your job. And it’s your responsibility to show the best you can using LinkedIn and not just stick with the default that LinkedIn has.
Kim Meninger So if I may, I’d love to ask you, how did you become a LinkedIn specialist? What does your career trajectory look like?
Daniel Alfon I moved into LinkedIn. I started using LinkedIn early 2004, it was pretty new. And at one point, as a salesperson, I simply found that without LinkedIn, it would take me hours to close my sale. And with LinkedIn, it shortened my sales cycle, at least by 30%. Just by knowing the name of the person I needed to reach out to. And then I, I found it interesting enough to deep dive in to see what’s under the hood. It’s a very powerful system, as you know, over 800 million users and hundreds of new LinkedIn members since we started this conversation, every second two people sign up. So at one point, I started helping friends and those friends brought me to speak in front of their sales, their sales force or their executives and maybe part of the impostor syndrome I had was my need to specialize. Because when you specialize, it may be easier for you to know everything about a subject, will know more about a subject than being a jack of all trades.
Kim Meninger So did that, do you feel like that has served you, that need to specialize?
Daniel Alfon Absolutely. There are pros and cons, obviously. But I feel much better because most of my speaking, most of my gigs are inbound, people reach out to me and say I got your name from someone who attended the conference as someone who heard you on XYZ. And it makes it easier, it’s easier to, to engage with that person. And it’s, I’m very glad I specialized and specialized in LinkedIn especially.
Kim Meninger Well, and it’s funny because I think that that specialization pressure affects a lot of us because one of the things I hear a lot from people who struggle with impostor syndrome, and people more generally, is a fear that they won’t have an answer to a question that is asked of them. And I’m curious what you think about that because LinkedIn is changing all the time in, in big and small ways. So even being a specialist I can imagine requires a lot of staying on top of things. Do you feel confident to kind of stay on, on track with everything that LinkedIn is doing?
Daniel Alfon I need to, I need to watch what I say now. But I probably let me quote a Forbes article, you, you wrote back at the time about preparing for meetings. And there, you mentioned the power of, of words. And we can go back to that maybe in a minute, and you don’t have necessarily to have all the answers. You need to show up. And it doesn’t make it less professional to say, I wasn’t expecting that question. Let me dig into that and get back to you. That’s something that’s natural. And it’s much better than trying to wing it.
Kim Meninger Yeah, oh, thank you for reading that article. And I completely agree with you obviously, that was, it’s a perspective that I firmly believe in. And I think that it makes people feel more connected to us too. Because if you claim to be an expert, and you give false information, or you overinflate your expertise, people can generally see through that, and they will lose trust in you.
Daniel Alfon Nothing is more important than trust in real life and on social and LinkedIn especially. So trust is, is something we’ve worked, you know, for decades to gain it’s very, it’s very easy to destruct. It doesn’t make sense to try to, to be more than what we are, what we are is enough.
Kim Meninger I love that. I love it. So when we think about the ways that LinkedIn is being used today, and there are lots for the average leader, particularly let’s just say even for the purposes of this conversation, the average female leader, what do you think we misunderstand about LinkedIn or don’t fully appreciate about the, the power of being on LinkedIn?
Daniel Alfon Well, that’s a very tough question, I’ll try to answer it to the best of my knowledge. There, there are many misconceptions about LinkedIn. One misconception is that our company page is more important than our individual profile. And for individuals, their profile is much more important than the company page, even if they had a company with 50 or 100 people. A second misconception is about the quality versus quantity. And that’s related to the connection strategy we may have on LinkedIn. The third would be to think about LinkedIn as a CV or a resume, whereas we can think about it as a website. Anyone visiting our website has to see what we offer. And they, there has to be a clear call to action there. And lastly, very quickly, content is more important than advertising on LinkedIn. And time is more important than paying LinkedIn. We don’t necessarily have to pay LinkedIn, the premium account is not something any executive should start with. On the contrary, they need to get their feet wet and understand how LinkedIn works. And that requires time. Once they know how their system works, then they will see the limits of the free account. But the free account is overwhelming in most executives will never discover more than 10% of it.
Kim Meninger Hmm, I think that’s a powerful point, I get asked that a lot of is it worth paying for the LinkedIn premium? And I think a lot of it depends on what you use it for. Right? If you’re barely using LinkedIn today, you’re right, the free features are probably more than enough.
Daniel Alfon If you look at the way you built your own profile, then many of the excellent elements there are free to use. Anyone can just use them — you have a great banner that doesn’t take, that doesn’t require a premium account. You have a very strong headline that only needs imagination and thoughts, you have featured the podcast and other, other media. Nothing really requires a premium account in order to have a strong presence on LinkedIn. Once you see the limits of the free account issue, like you said, you use LinkedIn a lot, then it may make sense to consider paying but if you only start and you pay LinkedIn you will not even appreciate what the premium account gives you I’m afraid.
Kim Meninger Yeah, that makes perfect sense to me. And I want to go back for a moment to what you were saying earlier, too, about the company page versus the individual page. And one of the things that I’ve seen as well, so for people who work for a different company, it’s not their, they’re not the owner of the company, let’s say, a lot of the real estate on their own page is taken up with positive talk about the company itself, right. It’s almost like a commercial for the company, as opposed to the individual. And I can see why, in some cases, people may choose that path, maybe they’re in sales. And they think that that’s an important message for their potential customers to see when they check them out. Maybe their company is actively monitoring LinkedIn profiles and making or setting limits around what can be said in in the profile. But can you talk a little bit more about why it’s so important to have your own brand in your page and not just be promoting your own company?
Daniel Alfon With pleasure, there’s a balance there. Okay, first and foremost, we need to understand that as an executive, our LinkedIn profile belongs to us. We may work for a company, but the company has probably not created that LinkedIn profile. And we will keep that LinkedIn profile after we leave that company. So there’s nothing wrong with mentioning what the company does. And like you said, when you, when you’re in sales, it’s probably, it probably makes sense. But if you only stress what the company does and there is nothing to be seen about what your achievements are, then you’re under-utilizing that powerful platform. And in general, the, the natural actions for LinkedIn users is to connect as an individual, I can look at your own profile, I can decide whether I’d like to send you a connection request, and the company page is pretty static. And unless the company employs 1000s of people, the nothing on the page will be as important as the executives, indeed individual profiles, because in most cases, they will have a lot more connections or followers than their company page will ever have.
Kim Meninger Yeah, I think those are some really important points. I… in particular, what resonates with me is the idea of your LinkedIn profile transcending any individual place that you work, that is a representation of you, I mean, in the same way that a resume would be. But I think in a more personalized social way. Can you talk a little bit more about the difference between a resume and a LinkedIn profile? And what, what if anything, you might do differently to talk about your background or yourself there?
Daniel Alfon In some cases, executives make the mistake of having a fully detailed resume and their LinkedIn profiles will only have highlights. And that doesn’t make sense because one of those versions is better. You simply ask yourself, Kim would, would, would you rather show someone your resume or your LinkedIn profile? And if your answer is your resume because your resume details about your achievements, then it doesn’t make sense to hide those achievements on LinkedIn. You can take as much as you like to think about the way you, you explain what you do. But your LinkedIn profile can make the CV redundant. And the call to action should not be I would like to get your CV to see whether it could be a fit for us to schedule an interview. The call to action should be Kim, I’d like to schedule an interview with you. Because what I’ve seen on LinkedIn makes sense for us. Again, it’s it’s something that doesn’t require money, requires, you know, a copy and paste procedure that will take most executive less than 15 minutes. And they don’t have to ask for anyone’s permission.
Kim Meninger What’s funny that I’m thinking about, that I don’t mean funny ha-ha, but what I’m thinking as you’re saying that is that one of the common responses that I hear from women in particular is, but if I put it out on LinkedIn, then somebody who I work with may read it and think, yeah, she’s not all that great. Yeah, that was, that was a team effort. That wasn’t her effort. They’re worried that people are going to start to second guess how they’re describing themselves and it becomes this, beyond humility, right this effort to, to soften how we talk about ourselves.
Daniel Alfon Okay, so there’s a whole spectrum of the, okay, the idea is not to, to lie on our LinkedIn profile more than it is to lie on our resume, we should tell the truth. But we should definitely find the best achievements we have. And those achievements can be part of the way we present ourselves on LinkedIn. And something that I’ve seen on both resumes, if you’d like, and also on LinkedIn profiles is that executives in, women executives in, in particular, in many cases, they focus on their responsibilities, whether what’s more powerful would be to focus on their achievements. So can I give just a quick, exact example? Yes, please. We would see something like, what have you done in the last six months, what I’ve done was producing reports. So I would dive into spreadsheets and get that data. And if you ask, so what has that resulted in? And you wait, then you may hear something yet, like, okay, the CEO would, would certainly expect the new reports. And then you ask another time, what has that resulted in? And, and the lady would say, oh, but that helped us sell more last quarter. And where was that in a strategic market. And by how, how much, I think I think it was 4 million last quarter. So the report is maybe the means. But the result, in many cases, should be something we can quantify. It could be saving time, it could be reducing costs, it could be improving the customer satisfaction, and it could be increasing sales. So going back to the terms you refer to, we don’t have to blow our own horn and say, I sold an additional $4 million last quarter, but I contributed to those sales, or I initiated that or I help the company achieve more, is something anyone should feel comfortable doing. And it really requires just looking at the responsibilities they think of, they wrote in their LinkedIn profile or their resume and asking, so what? What has that resulted in? And if you’re patient enough… You know, with guys, it may take twice, you need to ask them twice and with ladies, it could maybe end up after five or six times. But you will get something amazing if you’re patient enough, and the fifth or sixth time would be a really aha moment, we understand the benefit of what the executive has done. So just move away from responsibilities. And the sentence should look like the results. And the report is the means but you’re not, your specialty is not the report, your specialty is analysis, or recommendations or things that help the bottom line. And that’s also something that only requires some thinking on our side, nothing else.
Kim Meninger I love what you’re saying here and you actually use the exact expression or question that I use and I don’t mean it to sound harsh. But so what, right? So what? Just keep asking yourself so what until you get to that powerful result. If your LinkedIn profile, in my mind, sounds like a job description, then you’re not capturing the full power of what you bring to your role.
Daniel Alfon You know, that’s so true. We, we see that many people with impostor syndrome ask themself questions about should be, should I even apply to that job because I don’t have you know, all the necessary skills or and in many cases, I’m sorry for saying this, but for many guys, if we were able to read the job descriptions, then we qualified and many other executives will look at and say okay, but it says five years and I only have four and a half, so maybe I probably should not apply. And you know, if you don’t apply, you don’t, you don’t even, even get a negative answer. It really requires to go out there and be willing to understand that in some cases you will succeed. In some cases you will fail, but you have tried and next time you will succeed. You need to stop asking yourself, should I really ask for what I’m worth? Or should I price myself lower? Can I ask for that promotion in that company? Or can I use, can I have that title when I’m negotiating? My, my next move is something that will help your career in the long term. Many questions that impostors ask themselves are hurting their chance of helping others in the, in the marketplace.
Kim Meninger You’re absolutely right. And I when I think about what you’re saying, I think of it as almost adopting a scientific, maybe for lack of a better term, a mindset where you’re experimenting. And if we attach our self-worth to the outcome, it makes it far more difficult to take the risk of applying for that job, asking for that salary, asking for that title than if we simply look at it as a trial and error experiment to get information, to just be curious of, hmm, how high can I go? How qualified am I for this kind of role? And if the answer is no, okay, now I know what the upper limit is. And I’ll just kind of keep working my way down and figure it out. But like you said, the answer is always no, if you don’t try.
Daniel Alfon A lot of executives are afraid of failure. But many executives are even afraid of success. So they’d rather not commit or they’d rather not start because it helps them stay, you know, we’re now in a nice comfort zone. Whereas getting out there and applying or negotiating or asking for this and that, it, it takes a lot. It makes it hard for anyone, especially someone with, with impostor syndrome. But as when you start doing this, you will notice that nothing happens, okay, the world will not stop. And no one was surprised that you asked. In fact, people will say what have, what is taking you so long to do this?
Kim Meninger That’s a very good point. I think you’re absolutely right. And that fear of success is real, especially because there is so much pressure for those of us who struggle with impostor syndrome to be perfect sometimes or to, to perform in ways that aren’t realistic. And that bar just keeps getting raised the higher we go through the ranks. And so sometimes there is this fear of oh, if I become a, you know, VP instead of a director, now the pressure is even higher. Now I have to show up even more. So maybe I’ll just stay where I am.
Daniel Alfon You know, the toughest barrier is self-inflicted. Yes, it’s, it’s not necessarily our peers, or managers or even a client is something we the change that we impose on ourselves. And it’s very liberating to try and you know, look back and say, you know what, I’ve accomplished this today, I’ve managed to take this, this baby step in order to overcome my impostor syndrome. And I think that maybe tomorrow we’ll be able to take a second baby step.
Kim Meninger Exactly. Baby steps are key. Absolutely. I want to ask you a question too, about recommendations. How? How important are they?
Daniel Alfon I would say that the important issue using LinkedIn a lot. So I would look at the ratio between your connection, the number of connections you have, and the number of recommendations you will have first. The second thing I would look at is whether you have written recommendations for say 20 people, and you have received recommendations for 40 versus four. Have you written many more recommendations than recommendations that you have received or not? And lastly, the body of the recommendation. The ideal recommendation could be, could have the elements of I’ve worked with Kim for in during three conferences where she spoke to our executive teams about confidence in the workplace. And I’ve, I am still amazed by the impact that she has done. Because a, because of a, b and c. So if it’s specific, when the person who makes the recommendation explains how he has come to work with you, then the recommendation itself is likely to be read in a more meaningful way. It’s a win-win. It’s specific. It makes it a lot more powerful.
Kim Meninger Do you recommend asking for a recommendation?
Daniel Alfon What do you think my answer is going to be?
Kim Meninger Well, you know, my thought is, give a recommendation first, and then someone will be more likely to respond. But I also think, going back to what we talked about, you don’t ask for, you don’t get what you don’t ask.
Daniel Alfon Right? There’s, there’s a wonderful episode I listened to with, with Laura Browne, I think, where the title was, What Would a Successful Guy Do? And the successful guy would ask for the recommendation, if you don’t ask you don’t get. Now I would emphasize that to ask for the recommendation, something I would advise executives to do outside of LinkedIn. In other words, if you decided you’d like to ask Joe for recommendation, then don’t use the boilerplate email that LinkedIn sends. Reach out to that person outside of LinkedIn, explain what you will request. And when Joe says, you know what, I’d like to do that, but I’m not sure how, then you can send Joe the message from LinkedIn asking him to write a recommendation. And once, once you move from one company to another, or after you’ve completed a significant project with the customer, that’s the best time to ask for their recommendation. The more you wait, the tougher it will become for them to remember the facts, remember the figures, to remember the dates, and there is a peak where it makes a lot of sense for someone to write a recommendation for you too. So don’t miss that boat.
Kim Meninger That’s a very good point too, timing is really important because people’s memories fade, things just aren’t as, the impact isn’t as high if it’s been a long, longer period of time. For people who are perhaps either in career transition or keeping an eye on new opportunities, what is the most effective way for them to get noticed by recruiters or you know, other people who may be looking for someone with their background without shouting, I’m looking for a new job?
Daniel Alfon What you’ve just said is very important. Talent should not say I’m looking for something else. But what we could do is to make sure that anyone bumping into our profile understands what can, what we can bring to the table. And in one of the videos you’ve produced, about maximizing your seat at the table, the first step, you mentioned that knowing what you want is key. That’s the very first step. If you don’t know what you’re after, then LinkedIn will not be able to help you. And if you need some career counseling in order to decide what your next step should look like, then take the time to do that. And then you’ll find the execution on LinkedIn to be a lot easier, and a lot a lot more powerful. Other points to remember is that a simple exercise could be make a list of say 60 terms you find in your ideal dream job. So let’s say I would be looking for a CEO position. And I would look up on LinkedIn or Glassdoor, whatever three different job descriptions. And I would write down say 20 terms from each of those job descriptions. So you don’t have any work, you will have logistics and purchasing and managing and leadership. And once we have that list, then and only then we go back to our profile. And we check how many of those terms are there on our profile? And chances are we do have many of them, but probably not all of them. So the smart thing to do would, would focus on a couple of key terms. And then ask yourself a very simple question. Where’s the most natural place for me to include that term? Somewhere in my profile. And that could take you know, 10 minutes, and you would help people find you via search. Search is big on LinkedIn. There are billions of searches on, on LinkedIn. There are other ways when you publish content, when you share things, when you write articles, when you speak on podcast or virtual conferences outside of LinkedIn and also if you’re helpful on the activity you have on LinkedIn, that helps your visibility.
Kim Meninger So what do you think about engagement? You were talking before about the number, you know, sort of quality versus quantity? Do you recommend that people connect with anybody who’s open to connecting? Do you think that it’s important to know the people that you’re connecting with?
Daniel Alfon My short answer would be as long as you’re consistent, it doesn’t really matter. So if you decide to go for quantity, and you aim for 30,000 connections, that’s the limit that LinkedIn has today, then you will get a lot of visibility, you’ll get a lot of exposure, because anything you share on LinkedIn is likely to be seen by many, many people. But there’s a second and very powerful way for you to get headhunted. And that’s via introductions. In other words, if we have a mutual friend, or someone that has worked with you say back at EMC, or during the psychology studies, or whatever, and I know that person, and I’m able to reach out to them and ask them about you, that could lead into a meaningful introduction. And that could lead into a contract, even if you haven’t advertised the job. So quality works. Quantity works. Try not to stay in between, because when you try to aim for both, you end up in many cases having very little of either.
Kim Meninger Interesting. Yeah, that’s really, really interesting. And do you think there’s any magic to reaching out to someone directly, so let’s say you don’t have a connection, but you see somebody that you think is exactly the person that you want to be talking to?
Daniel Alfon I’m sure you get all sorts of messages that look exactly like they could be sent to someone else. So if you take the time to research, in, in some cases, you will not find the mutual connection agreed. But if you do the research, and try to write a short and sweet message that will make the person say ha, how does that person know so much about me, even if it’s, you know, four lines, there’s a saying I don’t have, I didn’t have a lot of time, so I wrote a long letter. Most of our job, when we reach out in a cold way, is really the editing. If we managed to write our four-line email that will make the person who reads it during, you know, he’s riding the elevator, stop and say, Hey, I forgot I needed to get off here, then that’s more powerful than not showing that you read, not showing that you’ve researched a company. And generally speaking, if I see that text, and I think you can send it to someone else, I would not give it more than five seconds. So take the time to personalize it and shorten it. And if you get any sort of reply, you’re in a good position to maybe engage with that person and make them curious about you. And that could lead into another meaningful conversation.
Kim Meninger I love that. I think that’s a great test of is, is this something that could have been sent to anybody? That’s a good way for us to check ourselves before we proceed with the send button.
Daniel Alfon You know, even ask yourself, if I can receive this, would I really be tempted or compelled into reading this, into wanting to know more about the person? We don’t like to be sold to. So what can we, can we understand that the person we are reaching out to in many cases, they’re busy, they’re crazy busy, they’re executives, thought leaders or whatever, they don’t have time for this. So it’s our job to make it under, understand, to make them understand that we have made a research and we should engage with them. And it should be, they should be curious about you. The message cannot answer all their questions. It only has to make it interesting enough to know, what does, what other things does that person know about us and maybe could help us? Let’s chat.
Kim Meninger That’s a really good point too. And I think about pacing because, you know, as they say don’t, don’t propose marriage on a first date. Don’t, don’t go right to the end of the relationship or the peak of the relationship in the first message too. You want to pace yourself.
Daniel Alfon Very quick tip about it would be to follow someone on LinkedIn, it goes back to the connection strategy. If we’re interested in an executive, then what we could do is simply go to their profile and follow them. And that will, that will mean that in our feed, we will see every single public action the executive makes on LinkedIn. And it increases our chances of being timely and maybe reach out to them in a meaningful way, because we will consume a lot of their content, and will see things they comment on and will understand better, what’s important for them, and what’s not important for them.
Kim Meninger Great, great points. Absolutely. And any other features or sort of secrets of LinkedIn areas that we underutilize?
Daniel Alfon Um, I really hope that when I say this, LinkedIn doesn’t discontinue the service. Because every time I recommend something, I see it disappearing. But there’s a very cool thing called a video cover. That means when you go to my profile, just wait a second, you will see video of mine showed you the 20 seconds. And that, even that doesn’t require anything other than producing that video and using our, our LinkedIn app, it doesn’t, you don’t have to have a premium account for that. And that’s a way for you to engage with, especially if you, if you’re a storyteller. Or if you have your skills are related to video producing, then it really makes sense for you to stand out from the crowd and do something unique. And that’s very simple. Adding a cover to our, to a profile something my estimate is less than point 3% of LinkedIn users actually do.
Kim Meninger Oh, I just took a note on that. Because I didn’t, I wasn’t aware that, there’s something new, I’m thankful. That’s my next step. So I’ll look you up in a week. hold me accountable for that. So do you have any final thoughts especially as it relates to this idea of just being confident when you are presenting yourself to this global audience out there on LinkedIn?
Daniel Alfon I think that I’ve found so many of the previous episodes that you’ve produced helpful, I think it’s, a it’s a baby step to anyone before the, you know, the go on the global stage and, in make, make a splash. Get your feet wet. Listen to the previous, previous episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files. Your future career, career will thank you for that.
Kim Meninger Thank you so much, Daniel, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your support. And this conversation, which I have no doubt will be helpful to many. I know you and I were talking earlier about some resources that you offer. Can you say a little bit more about your freebie or what we can find on your website?
Daniel Alfon With pleasure. My website is DanielAlfon.com. That’s the D-A-N-I-E-L-A-L-F-O-N. And the website has a number of free articles, and a freebie writing being the homepage to freebies about producing a killer headline, a profile headline on LinkedIn. That’s the real estate that’s most valuable on our LinkedIn. And in general, many executives only use the latest positions they have. And you and I know that in some cases that not the best way they could show their achievements to the world.
Kim Meninger Yeah, thank you. I’m going to make sure that those links are included in the show notes for anybody who is interested. And thank you again, Daniel. I’m so grateful.
Daniel Alfon Thank you very much, Kim. It’s been a pleasure.