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Group Coaching for Human-Centered Organizations

Equipping your employees with foundational tools to feel more confident and achieve more


Ever wonder how many bottom-line-boosting ideas are going unshared because people don't feel safe enough to put them out there? 

More than 80% of adults experience impostor syndrome at some point in life. It’s that deep fear that someone will turn to you in a meeting and say, "Wait a minute, you don't belong here."

That feeling can leave even the most creative, talented contributors sitting quietly in the corner, hoping they don't get found out.


As an organization, you have the power to equip your workforce with the tools to manage impostor syndrome, build their confidence, and foster the emotional intelligence to transform your company culture, making it easier for everyone to be human at work.

Virtual Career Group Coaching Massachusetts
believe empathy leads to higher job satisfaction.
Companies with above-average leadership diversity report
Gender-diverse teams are
to outperform industry returns.

Leadership Development Programs

Are you ready to take a meaningful step toward building an inclusive, equitable workplace?


One-off "women in the workplace" workshops and diversity trainings won't yield real results unless your team members understand themselves and one another. My signature group coaching programs help lay the foundation for psychological safety that helps you attract, serve, and retain the people you need to succeed.

Imposter Syndrome Bookcamp

Boost Your Confidence Bootcamp

Conquer impostor syndrome in six weeks. 


Many of your employees are struggling with impostor syndrome, and it's hurting your organization. While often overlooked as a business concern, unaddressed impostor syndrome leads to less innovation, more micromanagement and stress, and increased risk resulting from fear of challenging the status quo.


This six-session interactive program will empower emerging and established leaders to understand their own and their teams' experiences with impostor syndrome while adopting proven, actionable strategies to build confidence and manage self-doubt.

Breaking Down Gender Barriers in the Workplace

Building a Better Workplace: Breaking Down Gender Barriers

Get everyone around the table to make strides toward equity.


We can only get to the vision of equity we aspire to if we involve everyone in the conversation and leverage the power of those who already have it.


Everyone has their own reasons why it's hard to be human at work. And the sooner we build shared understanding, the sooner we'll achieve a true vision of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.


This flexible-format program, which I co-facilitate with fellow certified professional coach Jake Fishbein, is designed to establish safety, build awareness of our own experiences and our colleagues', and identify actionable steps to begin breaking down gender barriers at work.

Advancing Human Leaders Employee Workshop

Advancing Human Leaders

Build an organization of self-aware, self-confident contributors.


Your employees have incredible gifts and talents. That's why you hired them! What they often lack—especially if they are women or members of historically marginalized groups—is the confidence to share their ideas and gifts, the visibility to be recognized for their efforts, and the influence to drive change and grow into their full potential.


Your team members don't need more skills-based training. They need a safe space to talk about what makes it hard to be human at work. This twelve-session series will focus on building skills in eight core areas: confidence, career goals, strategic relationships, communication, influence, visibility, strategic mindset, and time management.


Participants will learn strategies to: 

  • manage impostor syndrome and build self-trust

  • build a strategic network of mentors, sponsors, and advocates

  • create opportunities to share their accomplishments 

  • communicate more effectively and develop their influence within the organization

  • adopt a more strategic mindset, maximize their time and avoid burnout

These group coaching programs are designed to energize your team and prepare them to take action that benefits their careers and your entire organization.

At the end of every group program, I ask participants, "What's different today, how have you changed?"


The responses range from "I had that uncomfortable conversation" to "I got promoted" to “I came up with an actual action plan to be more open and inclusive.”


The results show true transformation. These eye-opening discoveries create a group of individuals on the rise, each improving themselves and, in turn, improving your organization.

Wondering which program is the best for your group?


“Absolutely loved this workshop. The themes coming from the conversations and breakout rooms really showed that regardless of gender or gender identity we are looking for the same things in the workplace—being seen, included, safe to try and fail, autonomy to do our job, etc. Just shows we need to work on being allies to everybody. Starting to have these conversations include our male and non-binary coworkers is going to be so important going forward.”
Kim Meninger

Coach, TEDx speaker, and podcast host committed to making it easier to be human at work.

Groton, MA


Take the 7-day Impostor
Syndrome Challenge

Get 10-minute daily exercises designed to raise your self-awareness, boost your confidence, and help you create an action plan that you can put into place now.

Check your email!

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