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Confidence Is a Muscle

Confidence Is a Muscle

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we look at confidence as a decision that we make. My guest, Lucy Liu, shares her personal journey and the self-doubt she faced growing up as someone with the same name as a celebrity. She also offers great insights to help build our confidence muscle.

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About My Guest

Lucy Liu is a certified life coach helping women in life transitions get unstuck, beat overwhelm, see clarity, set new goals, live a happier fulfilling life and thrive! She is an unshakable optimist, wife, mother, easy-going entrepreneur, women empowerment workshop facilitator, motivational speaker and now makes it her passion to help other women rewrite their life story. She also inspires as the host of her weekly podcast The Lucy Liu Show.


Brave Women at Work podcast by Jen Pestikas

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Kim Meninger

Coach, TEDx speaker, and podcast host committed to making it easier to be human at work.

Groton, MA


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